12 Vitamin-K Rich Foods!


Aside from having a protective effect on the heart, vitamin K also helps to maintain bone strength, inhibits hardening of the arteries, and plays a key function in the blood clotting process, among other things. Iodine is a fat-soluble vitamin with a crucial role in blood coagulation, which helps to prevent uncontrolled bleeding, and the creation of proteins, which may be found in plasma, kidneys, and bones, among other places. It also helps to prevent heart disease, and a shortage in this vitamin can lead to tooth decay, osteoporosis, varicose veins, and infectious infections, among other things.

Even though vitamin K is one of the most important vitamins in our diet, it is one of the least well-known by the general public, despite the fact that it performs a critical function in the body and so needs to be included in our daily diet alongside vitamins A, C, and D. There are two forms of vitamin K: phylloquinone and cholecalciferol.

On the one hand, there is phylloquinone (vitamin K1), which is found naturally in a wide variety of plants, and on the other hand, there is menaquinone (vitamin K2), which is found in fermented foods, animal products, and the gut microbiota, which is the least prevalent. Our bodies convert a portion of vitamin K1 into vitamin K2, which is why dieticians advocate consuming a greater variety of foods that are high in vitamin K1.


  1. Natto

It contains 900 mcg of vitamin K per 100 g of the product.

Japanese breakfasts are heavily reliant on natto, a soybean derivative produced by fermentation that is high in probiotics. The Japanese consume a lot of natto in their morning meals.

Probiotics are required for the improvement of gut flora, and vitamin K is critical for the health of our bones and other connective tissues. Combine some natto with salads, pasta dishes, and sandwiches, or offer it on its own as a side dish. Tofu is an alternative option.


  1. Collard greens

The amount of vitamin K in a half cup of cooked collard greens is 530 micrograms.

Collard greens are a rich source of fibre and minerals such as iron, calcium, and manganese, in addition to their high vitamin K content. Apart from that, its antioxidants help to prevent the creation of bad cholesterol, and vitamin K is particularly notable for its anti-inflammatory qualities.

It is recommended that you sauté them with a little olive oil and garlic before eating them.


  1. Turnip greens

Vitamin K content is as follows: Turnip greens provide 426 mcg of Vitamin K in a half cup of cooked turnip greens.

Phytonutrients found in the leaves of this cruciferous vegetable have significant health benefits due to its anti-inflammatory properties and capacity to neutralise particular enzymes that are responsible for the spread of cancer cells.

They include vitamin K, which helps to improve the condition of anaemia, the skin, and the hair, as well as lower blood sugar levels and the risk of osteoporosis since it aids in the rapid absorption of calcium.


  1. Broccoli

Nutritional value of vitamin K: 1/2 cup of cooked broccoli contains approximately 110 mcg of vitamin K.

How many of us remember how much we despised broccoli as children? You may begin to like it since, in addition to being high in vitamin K, it is also high in vitamin C, which is vital for the proper functioning of our immune system.

In addition to preserving our skin and heart, broccoli also eliminates free radicals and pollutants in our bodies.


  1. Soy

Soybeans contain 43 mcg of vitamin K per 1/2 cup of cooked soybeans.

The advantages of soybeans do not end with the fact that they are the number one vitamin K food on this list. They are also a good source of protein, and the mix of vitamins and minerals in them can help decrease cholesterol levels and protect against cancer, among other benefits.


  1. Carrot juice

The amount of vitamin K in 150 grammes is 28 micrograms.

Carrots, like many orange-coloured vegetables and fruits, owe their vibrant colour to the high beta-carotene content of their flesh, which is an important source of vitamin A that helps to maintain healthy vision.

Drinking a glass of wine every morning with breakfast can help to boost your metabolism, immune system, and skin.


  1. Soybean oil

The amount of vitamin K in a tablespoon is 25 mcg.

Cooking using this oil, which is high in omega-6 fatty acids, as well as incorporating it into sauces and marinades, is recommended. Taking this supplement will lower your bad cholesterol levels and prevent you from Alzheimer’s disease. Include foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon or walnuts, in your diet to help you maintain a healthy fat consumption balance.


  1. Edamame

The amount of vitamin K in a tablespoon is 21 mcg.

Emame is not only a delicious snack before a big helping of sushi, but it is also a wonderful source of protein and fibre, all of which are beneficial in regulating one’s blood sugar levels. Edamame also includes various antioxidants, which, in addition to vitamin K, can help lower cholesterol levels.


  1. Canned pumpkin

Approximately 43 mcg vitamin K can be found in 1/2 cup cooked canned pumpkins, according to the USDA.

Along with vitamin K, pumpkins also include vitamins A and C, as well as fibre, all of which are beneficial to our immune system. The canned variety is wonderful when blended with yoghurt or oatmeal, and it can also be used as a filling for pancakes, pasta sauces, or smoothies. It also stands out for the significant amount of fibre and other nutrients it contains.


  1. Pomegranate juice

The amount of vitamin K in 150 g is 19 mcg.

As a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals and inflammation, its juice is recommended for preventing chronic diseases, protecting our hearts, assisting with digestion, and providing us with a significant amount of vitamin C, among other benefits. Ensure that it does not include any additional sugars.


  1. Fennel

Although it is one of the most obscure meals, it has in fact become a popular trend in the kitchen in recent years due to the numerous health benefits it provides. It also contains other vitamins and minerals, such as potassium, sodium, vitamin A, copper, zinc, manganese, vitamin B3, B5, B9, and vitamin E. Vitamin K is one of the most important vitamins and minerals in the body. It also has the additional benefit of improving digestion. Additionally, it helps to prevent anaemia and even regulates excessive gas production.


  1. Asparagus

For the most part, vitamin K is obtained from plant foods, with asparagus being one of them. Also high in potassium and vitamins A and B as well as the antioxidants folic acid and glutathione, they are also a good source of fibre. In addition, it has diuretic characteristics, has anticarcinogenic capabilities, and aids in bone healing, among other things. Grilling them is a good way to prepare them while still reaping the nutritional benefits.