How to Make Strawberry Upside down Cake

This wonderful Strawberry Upside Down Cake makes a remarkable simple summer cake that is stacked with flavors. It combines caramelized strawberries over light and padded vanilla margarine cake without any planning, ideal for baked goods or evening tea!



This strawberry cake is made from 8 clear trimmings.

For the Strawberry Layer:

Strawberries: To keep immense bits of regular items (Simply cut them into two halves) to get a delightfully fragile and gently caramelized surface.

Sugar + Cornstarch: this mix will help with caramelizing the natural item similarly as thicken the juices that will rise up out of the strawberries, so you don’t end up with a soup under your cake.

For the Vanilla Cake:

Spread: unsalted and extraordinarily fragile (at room temperature).

Eggs: medium size – guarantee they are at room temperature

Milk: used Full Cream Milk (Whole Milk) for a most prominent person, but a plant-based or sans dairy milk will fill in moreover. Made this cake with Soy Milk.

Vanilla: Essence/Extract or even Vanilla Paste if you have a couple

Self-Rising Flour: the clearest flour to use to make cake!


How to make This Cake Recipe

There are two standard strides in making this strawberry cake: setting up the strawberry layers, then, making the cake hitter.

Preheat your oven on 180’C/350’F. Line a 22cm/9 inch spring form Pan (or round skillet) with getting ready paper and tenderly oil the sides.

Stage 1: wash the strawberries, take out the tops then, cut down the center. Spot in a mixing bowl with the Sugar and Cornstarch. Toss to solidify; the sugar/cornstarch should fairly cover the natural items.

Stage 2: Place at the lower part of the compartment in an even layer then, set aside.


For the cake

Stage 3 and 4: in a tremendous mixing bowl, cream the sensitive Butter and Sugar for around 5 minutes on a medium to medium-high speed. The sugar should have separated into the spread and the blend should be light, padded, and have about duplicated in size.

Stage 5: Add the Eggs one by then.

Stage 6: Slowly mix in the Egg until totally combined before adding the accompanying one. Unwind assuming the hitter seem to coagulate (separating) at this moment it will return together later

Stage 7: Add the Milk and Vanilla

Stage 8: Mix until joined

Stage 9 and 10: Add the Self-Rising Flour (unmistakably sifted) and continuously mix in until totally joined. Stop when you can’t see flour any more drawn out to keep away from compulsive worker conduct (and exhausting) the player.

Stage 11: Over the strawberries, pour the cake player

Stage 12: use a little adjusted spatula or the back of a spoon to spread it fairly over the strawberries.

Heat for 35 to 45 minutes, or until the tip of a sharp edge (or stick) hits the point of convergence of the cake comes clean. Obviously, the time it will take to get ready depends upon your oven.

Give to chill off for around 10 minutes preceding wiping out the sides (if using a spring form dish) and flipping the cake over a serving plate.

Is it okay to use Frozen Strawberries?

This equation with new Strawberries, but it should be OK to use frozen strawberries as long as they are totally thawed out, all around exhausted, and dried on an elastic paper towel. You might need to add to some degree more cornstarch as frozen strawberries will make more liquid when warmed.


Would I have the option to make this Strawberry Upside-Down Cake with Plain/AP Flour?

For sure – use a comparative measure of Plain/AP Flour than Self-Rising Flour with the extension of 1/2 tsp. Warming Powder and 1 bit of Salt.


Would I have the option to use a Round Pan rather than a spring form Pan?

For sure you can use a comparable size Round Pan – basically, guarantee the base is fixed with getting ready paper (lubing the skillet first so the warming paper sticks to it) and the edges are either lined additionally or particularly lubed.