
Know What Will Happen to Your Body if You Eat 2 Bananas a Day


8. You can’t overdose from bananas.

Potassium is a very important element for your cardiovascular health as we mentioned before. However, too much potassium is as dangerous as its deficiency.

It can lead to heart failure and fatal arrhythmias.

The good thing is if you are a healthy individual it is very difficult to get potassium toxicity by eating bananas. You can only get this toxicity if you eat about 400 bananas is impossible. So, do not worry eating bananas will always be one of the good healthy habits.


9. Protection against anemia and malnutrition.

Anemia is a disease in the blood due to a lack of hemoglobin. It has different types such as anemia of chronic disease, low iron during pregnancy, renal anemia, postpartum anemia, and kidney anemia.


It presents the patient with fatigue, headache, and dyspnea. Bananas can prevent this disease as it provides the body with iron necessary for hemoglobin production.

It also has vitamin B6 that makes blood glucose in normal, helping anemia patients.

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